Monday, March 29, 2010


My plans for getting Lasik this summer (mostly hinging, of course, upon the crucial necessity of discovering buried treasure or immediately becoming engaged to a millionaire) were severely foiled today. I was told by the optometrist this morning that I will not be getting Lasik for a looonnng while yet--my vision is now 20/725 (yes, that really means something 20 feet away looks to me like it's 725 feet away), degraded from the previous 20/625 of my last visit. Why my eyes have decided that 22 is an excellent age to change from 'quite awful' to 'significantly dreadful' remains an unpleasant mystery.

BOO for being blind.

And no, still no news from Michigan.


Bronson said...

Dang! That sucks! Does your vision have to level off before they can do surgery? Stay strong . . . it will all work out. Now, if I could just follow my own advice . . . .

LaShel said...

20/725?!?!? I'm officially never going to bemoan my eyesight again.

Deanna said...

L-O-V-E lasik!