I am experiencing a new sensation. I'm old. My roommates are all younger than me. It's a crazy feeling, I tell you. From the time I entered first grade until just now, I have never, ever been the oldest in any sort of setting that had anything to do with my secular education. Huh, I guess maybe this is a hint that I should be earning my bachelor's degree sometime soon and getting on with grad school...
In other news, I think my new room roomie (Hailee) and I will be getting along quite nicely. I like her a lot. We had a little heart-to-heart over some DiGiorno pizza tonight, which, incidentally, we both happen to love. She can certainly make me laugh. And...I can see that she might be more than "occasionally boisterous" once in a while, but not in the shrill, obnoxious, twittery, fake, girly "look at me, boys! Look at me!" kind of way that I find extremely annoying after being exposed to more than five seconds of it. Another of my roommates, Melissa, also seems pretty sweet. Plus, she brought home brownies from her softball game for Hailee and me tonight, and that *definitely* makes the "How to make Britny think you're awesome" list.
Last but not least: do ancient people lose their sense of smell? Well, even if they do, hopefully my loss of the ability to smell things is due mostly to the nasty cold which I am in the process of heroically conquering, and not to the fact that I am now the oldest living being inhabiting my apartment. Anyway, I came home from work today to teach piano lessons; the apartment was a little messy, so I tidied up the living room a bit while I was waiting for my first student to arrive. His mom dropped him off (a cute little nine-year-old boy) and he came and knocked on the front door. I let him in, and as he walked inside, he said very bluntly, "It SMELLS in here." I was horrified, but I couldn't smell a thing. Then, he elaborated: "It smells like garlic bread...my favorite!" Yes, the apartment reeked of garlic, and I couldn't smell it. Ayayayayay.
Hooray for nice roommates! Double hooray for brownies!!
I think you must be old, because I definitely am (recent cousin weddings and my brother's status as a college student have forced me to grapple with my own ancientness this week). But grad school is definitely the way to go... you might still feel old, but at least not as old as everybody else :)
Hahaha! I LOVE this post! This is how I've felt for the last 2 years. Yup, being the oldest I definitely felt a little "motherly." It definitely didn't help that I was always roommates with a sophomore or a freshman (that makes you feel even OLDER!). But I assure you that this feeling of being old can sometimes be quite satisfying. With old age comes wise-ness (aka you know more than everyone else) and humility :) Just take it all in... you're on top of the world! Er, uh, the apartment, that is.
Oh, and I miss that little boy... if it's the same one I'm thinking of. He was SO good at the piano and so sweet. Love him, love you, love this blog... love, love, love.
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